Misconceptions of parents with difficulties is mind blowing! As a foster carer I have had to stomach being asked “well how will you manage to meet the child’s needs with you having autism and lacking empathy”. I’m not Rainman, I don’t like numbers and I find no pleasure in remembering vast amounts of information. I can give great eye contact and it might surprise some that I’m autistic and I’m not am a Wizz on computers. There is so much ignorance around neurodiversity that I’ve now likely got more diplomacy due to dealing with such neurotypical backward thinkers.
Yes, I struggle with weekly logs, yes meetings are a sure way to put me into burnout, but I manage because my children need me to. My love for the child out ways my need to avoid what is painful. Think that makes me a normal mother does it not? I wish the local authority would have broken down some barriers for me, but it was and still isn’t that case. If you tell people what you find difficult your judged as a carer and it’s suggested that your unable to do your job.
No one ever thought to ask how my neurodiversity helps me as a foster carer. No one has even considered that it might help in my role. I love routine, boundaries, respect, loyalty, to achieve my personal best, to learn constantly, to analyse everything……but more than that I am hypervigilant and see things in fine detail. My Autism and ADHD means I can do what others can’t and its this tha
t allows me to enable my children to transcend.
If only they realised, they could be backing brilliance, if only they new how precious my knowledge is……one day they will, Access to Work is enabling me to turn my skill into something that will benefit so many. Whilst this is happening, I want to support parents and carers to enable them to see their children transcend, every child matters as does every parent. No matter how challenging the child’s behaviour there is a way of achieving a positive outcome.
I see some of those who are neurotypical as having difficulties, some I work with in the local authority have the empathetic ability of Hitler, and the therapeutic approach of Putin! I am Autistic and proud, I have a lot to give to the world and I’m paving the way to stop others suffering the ignorance and discrimination that still exists…..rant over.